"Exalt the LORD our God and worship at His holy mountain, for the LORD our God is holy." -Psalm 99:9

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 31: Major Letdown...

Wednesday, August 14, 2012
    Certainly frustrated today (Thursday) reflecting back on yesterday and the major let down. I was worn out and from time to time I get too much going on and wear myself out to the point where I just crash for a day, that was yesterday for sure. No question that I should have gotten out for some mileage but I just couldn't convince myself to get going out the door. I admit my laziness and lack of commitment/desire on that day, but hope to move past that and onto a new day today.
   Check back later this evening for a new blog for today detailing my workout and rebound from let down. Sometimes major let downs and lapses in commitment are what I need to reenergize and rededicate. Hopefully this is but one of very few of these lapses in training. The main good that's come from it is that my knee is feeling nearly 100% while out and about today, hopefully will be just as strong on the run.

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